• Chat Policy:

    Comment Policy for Young Osteo

    Welcome to the Young Osteo community! We encourage open, respectful, and supportive discussions. To maintain a safe and positive environment, we ask that you adhere to the following guidelines:

    1. Respectful Communication: Treat others with kindness and respect. Disagreements are natural, but please express differing opinions constructively.
    2. Stay On-Topic: Keep comments relevant to the original post to foster meaningful discussion.
    3. No Personal Attacks or Harassment: We do not tolerate bullying, harassment, or discrimination. Any comments targeting individuals or groups based on race, gender, age, disability, or other characteristics will be removed.
    4. Protect Privacy: Avoid sharing personal or sensitive information (yours or others’). Keep discussions safe and general.
    5. Do not depend on our advice: Consult a healthcare professional for personal health questions and guidance.
    6. Spam: Do not post spam, advertisements, or unrelated self-promotion. Only share links if they are directly relevant and helpful to the discussion.
    7. Report Inappropriate Comments: If you see something that violates this policy, please report it to our moderation team.

    Comments that do not adhere to these guidelines may be removed, and repeated violations may result in a ban from participating in discussions. Our goal is to create a supportive and informative space for young people facing osteoporosis and similar conditions. Thank you for contributing to this positive community!btitle here.